logo here i am valpolicella


Nature, experience, well-being

Here I am was born from an idea of Andrea Gelmetti guide AIGAE. For years Andrea has been passionately involved to guide nature lovers by telling the Veronese territory (and beyond), to diffuse knowledge and awareness in adults and children of this stunning territory and its natural history.

My Role

For this project, I had the task of dealing with the navigation flow of the site, the structure and the interface, which had to be simple but full of character so that it can communicate to the visitor the very personality of Andrea and the guides who are part of the project. .

For the creation and online publication, I worked with Nicholas Valbusa, software architect, who, in addition to building the online template, took care of the entire CMS for the site's administration.

What makes a website special?

Simplicity and beautiful details

For intuitive and straightforward navigation purposes, I always opt for clean templates where the user is not confused by unexpected animations, making the page heavy or distracting.

However, the risk of building a trivial template is very high, so I have to keep in mind who my client is and what he wants to communicate to his audience. This is why Storytelling and brand are very important to keep in the loop of creating the template.

Andrea does an admirable job, one of those activities that make you dream a bit. His office is in the woods, mountains and huts. His "colleagues" are people who have chosen, like him, an alternative lifestyle linked to the earth. His mission is to tell a world unknown to most, handing down knowledge that makes those who are accompanied grow.

The challenge

Openness to the change

Websites that Nicholas and I build have all in common to change with the natural evolution of the website lifetime.

We go the extra mile to ensure our customers need as little support as possible when the website goes live.

In this case, the challenge to reach our goal was to settle a few grids rules for the tours galleries.

Here I am, it has multiple categories divided into different pages. These categories are crossed by unique or similar tours that can re-appear.

The risk was that the admin could delete a tour from a full category without notice that another category would remain with just one tour or even empty on another page.

We created rules for the grid on the desktop and tablet breakpoints where the appearance of the category shown in the gallery worked well with both one tour and 100.

In the case there were no tours, the category would be automatically hidden

To transmit the emotions and naturalness, I selected a set of line illustrations that outline the experiences, leaving space for the user's mind to begin to imagine their future outdoor trip with the guides of Here I am.

Now I just have to invite you to visit the site to discover and live unforgettable experiences in the company of Andrea and the Here I Am guides.

Involved in the project

  • Andrea Gelmetti


    founder, Here I am

  • Nicholas valbusa

    Nicholas valbusa


  • Michela Tannoia